Fix for not able to bundle AMI | utility ‘parted’ not found error

If you ever receive the following error while running ‘ec2-bundle-vol’ command to take an AMI, you need to install ‘GNU parted’ program in the server. GNU parted is a partition manipulation program.


Please specify a value for arch [x86_64]:
Setting partition type to bundle “/” with…
/opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/platform/linux/image.rb:196:in `verify_runtime’: Required utility ‘parted’ not found in PATH – is it installed? (FatalError)
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/platform/linux/image.rb:194:in `each’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/platform/linux/image.rb:194:in `verify_runtime’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/platform/linux/image.rb:256:in `set_partition_type’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/platform/linux/image.rb:71:in `initialize’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/amitools/bundlevol.rb:172:in `new’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/amitools/bundlevol.rb:172:in `bundle_vol’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/amitools/bundlevol.rb:231:in `main’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/amitools/tool_base.rb:201:in `run’
from /opt/aws/amitools/ec2/lib/ec2/amitools/bundlevol.rb:239


FIX / Solution :

yum install parted


You will then be able to bundle the AMI.